What will IT cost
your business?

Our aim is to equip you with a clear understanding of the IT landscape for informed decision-making. Use this tool as a baseline to evaluate your IT expenditures, benchmark against similar organizations, and tailor your IT strategy to your specific requirements.

Your current IT demands

0 1,000
0 50
0 300
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Potential Cost Savings on IT

Total cost savings from working with Esevel

Potential Cost Savings on IT

In-house Esevel
Total annual IT cost USD 37,000 USD 24,000
Monthly IT cost per employee USD 30 USD 20
Meet our experts
Cost Efficiency:Subscriptions may significantly reduce expenses depending on their features.
Flexible Costs: Enables businesses to adjust their IT expenditures based on fluctuations in hiring or support requirements.
Accessible Last-Mile Support:Available in eight major APAC hubs, ensuring comprehensive support wherever needed.
Wide-Ranging Expertise: Esevel provides specialized knowledge that enhances your IT team's capabilities in areas like security, policy, and automation.
Increased Productivity: Free-up on-site staff and IT managers to focus on more strategic and proactive tasks.
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