10 Employee Retention Strategies Every Southeast Asian Employer Needs

  • June 30, 2024
  • 10mins read
Esevel - employee retention strategies

Retaining top employees is a crucial challenge, especially in the dynamic and culturally diverse region of Southeast Asia (SEA). For startups with hybrid or remote workforces, understanding and leveraging the cultural diversity of SEA can significantly enhance employee retention.

To help our audience explore the best practices for employee retention in SEA, Esevel’s latest webinar “Tapping into the Talent Pool in Southeast Asia” was enriched with insights from seasoned leaders & experts in the region:

Rewatch the webinar here 👇

✨ More from this webinar: Top Hiring and Onboarding Strategies from Southeast Asia Experts

Drawing insights from our industry experts, this article explores how cultural diversity shapes employee expectations and impacts management practices, along with effective strategies for keeping your best employees engaged.

Meeting employee expectations through cultural understanding

Southeast Asia comprises 11 countries, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore. Each country has its own unique cultural heritage, traditions, and languages. This diversity is a strength, but it also means that a one-size-fits-all approach to management and retention won’t work.

Understanding these cultural nuances is essential for setting realistic and fair expectations. As Alec Smith – Head of People from Veremark emphasized, “It’s crucial to understand different cultural norms while also remembering that we’re all human and share many similarities.”

Here are 3 ways the region’s cultural diversity shapes employee expectations:

Communication styles: 

In Southeast Asia, communication styles can vary significantly from one country to another. Some cultures prefer direct communication, where feedback and instructions are given clearly and explicitly.

For example, in Singapore, straightforward communication is often appreciated and expected in professional settings. Conversely, indirect communication is more common in countries like Thailand and Indonesia, and reading between the lines is a necessary skill.

Additionally, the role of hierarchy plays a significant part in communication. In many Southeast Asian cultures, respect for authority and seniority is deeply ingrained, which means employees might be less likely to openly express disagreement or provide direct feedback to their superiors.

Work-life balance:

The norms regarding work hours, leave policies, and family obligations vary widely across Southeast Asia. In some countries, there is a strong emphasis on work-life balance and family time.

For instance, family commitments are highly valued in Malaysia and the Philippines, and employees may expect flexible working hours to accommodate family needs. On the other hand, in countries like Singapore and Vietnam, longer working hours might be more common, reflecting a culture of hard work and dedication.

Managers need to be sensitive to these differences and offer flexibility where possible. Providing flexible working hours, overtime payment,  remote work, and generous leave policies can help meet employees’ expectations and improve their overall satisfaction.

Professional values

Attitudes toward teamwork, individualism, and leadership can greatly influence how employees interact and perform in the workplace. In some Southeast Asian cultures, teamwork and collectivism are highly valued.

In Indonesia and Thailand, employees prioritize group harmony and collaboration over individual achievements. Managers in these cultures should focus more on fostering a collaborative environment and recognizing team efforts. Conversely, such as in Singapore, there might be a stronger emphasis on individual performance and personal accountability.

Leadership styles also vary. Some cultures prefer a more hierarchical approach, where leaders are expected to provide clear direction and maintain authority, while others might favor a more egalitarian style, encouraging participation and feedback from all levels of the organization.

10 strategies to retain talents successfully in SEA

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Strategies to match the communication styles

Establish clear and fair expectations:

Alec from Veremark highlighted, “Focus on universal principles and values to create a healthy workplace wherever your leaders and employees are situated.”

Leverage technology for better cultural understanding:

Regular feedback and performance reviews:

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Strategies for a better work-life balance

Adapt policies to local cultural contexts:

Promote a positive work culture:

Yuying pointed out, “Team-building activities that consider cultural nuances help in promoting unity and collaboration among team members.”

Creating a positive work environment:

Strategies for addressing different professional values

Foster inclusive management practices:

Yuying from Esevel emphasized, “We hire people across six to seven different countries, and understanding cultural nuances helps in creating a cohesive work environment.”

Yuying added, “Adapting leadership styles to fit cultural contexts is essential for maintaining a motivated and productive team.”

Professional development and career progression:

Competitive compensation and benefits:

Addressing employee dissatisfaction:

💡 Read more: What is quite quitting and how to address this issue

Implementing retention strategies in SEA

Implementing these strategies requires a commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation. 

By setting clear and fair expectations, fostering an inclusive work culture, and addressing employee needs, startups can enhance employee satisfaction, reduce turnover, and ultimately drive business success in Southeast Asia.

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