When should I hire an in-house IT support team for my startup?

  • February 22, 2023
  • 10mins read
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As your startup grows and expands beyond 60 people, things may start fraying.

On/offboardings get delayed, employees complain about old devices, security becomes an issue. Your CTO or tech-savvy HR are stretched to their capacity and cannot cope with IT requirements from staff turnover and expanding needs.

Is it time for you to consider hiring an in-house IT support professional? 

7 factors to consider before hiring in-house IT support

Esevel - in-house IT support

1. Company size and growth

As your company grows, so will its technology needs.

At the start, you may not need full-time in-house IT support. Your CTO or HR can wear multiple hats, one of which includes “IT Superhero”.

But as your business grows, you will need someone dedicated to manage your systems and networks. And the faster your company grows, the more urgent this becomes.

Do not wait too long to bring an in-house IT professional in, lest you incur technical debt that becomes difficult to resolve later.

2. Complexity of technology needs

3. Budget

4. Security concerns

5. Availability of external IT support

6. Technical expertise

If you or your team members do not have the technical expertise to manage your technology needs, it may be necessary to bring on an in-house IT professional to ensure that your systems and networks are properly set up and maintained.

One thing to note is that your developers are not IT professionals.

While most developers will have basic knowledge about networks, operating systems etc, they do not have the full set of skills to do IT support, and most developers are unlikely to enjoy it. There’s a reason why they chose to become developers after all.

7. Strategic goals

Your decision to hire an in-house IT professional should also be based on your strategic goals. If technology is a key part of your growth strategy, then hiring an in-house IT professional may be necessary to achieve your objectives

Pros and cons of in-house IT support

Pros of in-house IT support:

Immediate technical support: With an in-house IT support team, you can expect quicker response times for day-to-day technical issues. This higher quality of service can lead to increased productivity and reduced downtime.

Customization: In-house IT professionals can tailor solutions to fit your startup’s specific needs, ensuring that your systems and networks are optimized for your business operations.

Enhanced security: If your startup deals with sensitive data, having an in-house IT professional allows for better control over data security and compliance, reducing the risk of data breaches.

Streamlined communication: In-house IT support is more integrated with your team, facilitating smoother communication and a deeper understanding of your technology requirements.

Cons of in-house IT support:

Higher costs: Building and maintaining an in-house IT team can be expensive due to salaries, benefits, and training expenses.

Limited expertise: In-house IT professionals may have limitations in terms of expertise, especially for complex technical issues.

Scalability: As your business grows or operates in multiple locations, a single in-house IT professional may not be sufficient, necessitating the formation of a team.

Recruitment challenges: Finding and retaining skilled IT professionals can be competitive and challenging.

Empower your startup’s in-house IT with the help of technology

Building an in-house IT support team can be expensive and time-consuming. And if your business has teams distributed across a few countries, a single in-house IT professional will likely not suffice – you will need a team.

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