Addressing Remote Quiet Quitting in Southeast Asia

  • July 10, 2024
  • 10mins read
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Quiet quitting – The term describes employees who do the bare minimum required by their job, disengaging, and eventually leaving their positions.

Quiet quitting has emerged as a significant challenge in today’s workplace, especially within remote and hybrid workforces. This phenomenon is particularly relevant in Southeast Asia, where cultural diversity and remote work dynamics add layers of complexity to remote work.

During the “Tapping into the Talent Pool in Southeast Asia” webinar, industry experts discussed the nuances of quiet quitting and offered insights into addressing this trend effectively.

Re-watch the webinar here 👇

Quiet quitting in a remote-first world

Quiet quitting refers to employees fulfilling their job requirements without going above and beyond. They meet their duties but withdraw from any extra effort, often due to dissatisfaction or disengagement. In remote work settings, this behavior can be harder to detect as employees are less visible and their engagement levels might only be apparent after a period of time.

As Elvin from Multiplier simply puts it: “Quiet quitting is essentially when employees stop putting in the effort and enthusiasm they once had. They do just enough to avoid getting fired but nothing more.”

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Causes of quiet quitting in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia has a rich pool of talented personnel, but its cultural diversity poses many strains on remote companies’ HR operations in the region. One such challenge is the case of quiet quitting. Several factors contribute to quiet quitting in Southeast Asia:

Work-life balance issues:

The shift to remote work has blurred the lines between personal and professional life. Employees often struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance, leading to burnout and disengagement.

Yuying – CEO at Esevel, mentioned, “Many employees spend hours commuting and balancing family responsibilities. Without clear boundaries, they can quickly feel overwhelmed and resort to quiet quitting as a coping mechanism.”

Cultural factors influencing employee engagement:

Cultural diversity plays a significant role in shaping employee engagement. In some Southeast Asian cultures, there is a strong emphasis on harmony and avoiding confrontation. Employees may quietly disengage rather than voice their dissatisfaction.

“Understanding cultural norms and communication styles is crucial. In some cultures, employees might not openly express their concerns, leading to silent disengagement.” – Alec Smith – Head of People at Veremark

Management and communication challenges:

Remote work can exacerbate communication gaps between managers and employees. Without regular and clear communication, employees might feel isolated and undervalued.

Lack of career development opportunities:

In many Southeast Asian countries, employees value career growth and continuous learning. When companies fail to provide clear career development opportunities, employees can become disengaged and feel their future with the company is limited. 

Impact of quiet quitting on organizations

Quiet quitting can have several adverse effects on organizations:

Productivity and morale:

Reduced engagement can lead to a decline in productivity and overall team morale. Employees who are quietly quitting may not contribute innovative ideas or collaborate effectively with their colleagues.

Long-term consequences for team dynamics and company culture:

Over time, quiet quitting can erode team dynamics and negatively impact company culture. If not addressed, it can lead to a cycle of disengagement and higher turnover rates.

Alec pointed out, “When employees disengage, it affects the entire team. It’s essential to address the root causes of quiet quitting to maintain a healthy and productive work environment.”

Increased turnover rates:

Quiet quitting can be a precursor to actual quitting. When employees remain disengaged for prolonged periods, they are more likely to leave the company when a better opportunity arises. This increased turnover not only disrupts team cohesion but also leads to higher recruitment and training costs.

Damage to employer brand:

When employees quietly quit, they may share their negative experiences with peers or on social media platforms. This can damage the company’s reputation as a desirable place to work, making it harder to attract top talent.

6 strategies to address quiet quitting in SEA

Esevel - quiet quitting

Enhancing employee engagement

Supporting work-life balance

Improve communication efficiency

As Elvin from Multiplier emphasized, “Overcommunication is key in a remote-first company. Managers need to ensure that their teams are aligned and feel connected to the company’s goals.”

Providing clear career development opportunities

“Having detailed 30, 60, and 90-day roadmaps with exact actions helps employees understand their career progression.” – ​​Yuying Deng – CEO  at Esevel.

Implementing flexible work policies

Promoting a positive and inclusive work culture

“Overcommunicating your goals and aspirations is crucial. It ensures that everyone is on the same page and feels valued.” – ​Alvin Dmitri Lee, Mobility Consultant at Multiplier

Stay proactive when it comes to quiet quitting

Addressing quiet quitting requires a proactive approach from leadership. By understanding the cultural diversity within their workforce and implementing strategies that enhance engagement, communication, and career development, organizations can mitigate the effects of quiet quitting.

Leaders must prioritize cultural understanding and tailored management practices to foster a motivated and loyal workforce. By doing so, they can ensure that their employees remain engaged, productive, and committed to the company’s success.

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